Heart Chakra Clearing
Follow along in this guided meditation by Amy Major as she helps you find wounds and blocks in your Heart Chakra.

Heart Chakra Clearing
Below is the recorded audio file of the Third Eye Clearing I conduct during my Chakra Clearing Classes. Enjoy the guided meditation as I walk you through a visualization that helps you see and understand your wounds and blocks with your own third eye. In this unique meditation, I will help you remove these blocks, and replace them with intentions that not only rejuvenate your chakra but stimulate growth and advancement.
The Heart Chakra-Located at the heart center, the fourth chakra, anahata is at the middle of the seven and unites the lower chakras of matter and the upper chakras of spirit. The fourth is also spiritual but serves as a bridge between our body, mind, emotions, and spirit. The heart chakra is our source of love and connection. When we work through our physical chakras, or the first three, we can open the spiritual chakras more fully. Its color is green, and it is located within your heart. It is the center of love, compassion, harmony, and peace. This Chakra is Associated with your lungs, heart, arms, hands, and thymus gland. We fall in love through our heart Chakra, then that feeling of unconditional love moves to the emotional center. After that it moves into the sexual center, where strong feelings of attraction can be released. When these energies move into the Base Chakra, we may have the desire to marry and settle down.
Blockage can show itself as an immune system, lung and heart problems, or manifest as inhumanity, lack of compassion or unprincipled behavior.
To prepare:
Find a quiet place to sit and relax for about 20-30 minutes so you can fully enjoy this journey into your third eye. Restrict any distractions like children or pets that may take your attention away.
Wear comfortable clothing, and make sure you have something to drink nearby.
Try not to perform the mediation while tired. Students have been known to fall asleep.
Wearing headphones is not necessary, but allowed if you feel comfortable.
Begin each mediation with a prayer to your guides, angels, and ancestors so that they may support, heal, and guide you in your mediation. Ask that all unwanted energy to be released into your portal above your head. (This will be guided in the mediation)
Symptoms after a clearing for the third eye:
Chest pressure (no pain)
Gerd/acid reflux
Breathing changes
Breast tenderness
Circulation changes
Irregular heartbeat/palpitations
Always reach out to a health care professional if you have any concerns about symptoms.